Plugin Masters is the worldwide publisher of 4D professional tools
PDF Printer 4D Plugin v6
PDF Plugin for 4D is a plugin for the 4D programming language that allows you to generate files in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). The plugin has an extensive command set for programmatically creating text, graphics, images and hypertext objects. There is no need for any third party software like Acrobat Distiller or PDF Writer. As a developer all you need to do is retrieve the data and format the layout while the plugin takes care of generating the PDF code that represents your data. You are not troubled with all the internals and intricacies of the PDF document format.
The primary focus of the plugin is on dynamically generating PDF documents within your own software. This can have many applications, i.e.
- Creating invoices or proposals for a web-based application.
- Creating a product catalog for electronic and printed publishing.
- Creating reports from your database, complete with hyperlinks.
- Creating complex graphical representations of your data.
- Creating database publishing solutions.
With the optional PDF import module, you can create applications like:
- Import an existing PDF document and overlay it with dynamic data.
- Merge multiple documents into a single document.
- Place advertisements in existing documents.
- Impose multiple pages on a single sheet for printing.
PDF Plugin offers some advantages in comparison to other solutions:
- It can be integrated directly in your own application.
- No need for third party software.
- PDF documents can be generated in memory without being written to disk, which makes it perfect for web based applications.
- It is extremely fast, thread safe and offers robust memory and error handling.
The plugin is based on proven technology. It uses the very powerful PDFlib as its engine. PDFlib is a cross platform C library that is being developed by PDFlib GmbH in Germany. It has implementations for many programming languages and is available for a wide variety of platforms.
This plugin is now available in 3 versions:
- light and pro (pro includes the pdf printer driver)
- plus (includes pro version) and a lot of commands to build an outlook mail client inside 4D (have a look at the demo database)
4D PDF Plugin with optional Royalty Free pdf printer driver.
Just print your documents directly from 4D Windows to get very small colorful pdf files with activated hyperlinks, optional bookmarks and letter form watermarks.
Édité par Node.
- automatic switching between printer/pdf driver
- collecting several print jobs and converting it into one pdf file (sets the pdf printer in idle mode to combine several print jobs and external documents into one pdf file, mixed print of 4D Draw, 4D Write, SuperReport, PrintList, 4D Chart, 4D Report, and more ... is supported)
- ability to choose from different letter form pages for watermark background (first and following pages). Background files could be pictures or pdf files.
- set some pdf options (password, print, copy, change, annotations, title, owner, etc.)
- print pdf to smtp email with optional full styled html email text including pictures (the print job spooled into a temporarily pdf file and send the pdf to your smtp server without any user interaction, no 4d internet commands necessarily)
- print to MAPI email (the print job spooled into a pdf file and opens the standard MAPI mail client)
- print pdf to MS outlook email with optional full styled html email text including pictures (the print job spooled into a temporarily pdf file and send the pdf into your MS outlook mail client without any user interaction). (Options are send direct, save in drafts, save in drafts and show the mail in MS outlook Editor)
- send HTML e-mail with HTML styled body to your smtp server [FREEWARE]
- send HTML e-mail with HTML styled body into your MS outlook [FREEWARE]
- zip files from a source array [FREEWARE]
- download a web page to a txt file [FREEWARE]
- set colored bookmarks during your pdf print jobs
- merge pdf files manually as an option
- convert external files to pdf
- delete pages from pdf files
- modify bookmarks within existing pdfs
- get and set hierarchic bookmarks
- get some information about a pdf file (page count, protected, creator, keywords ...)
- optional individual mail coding for e-mail (default is iso-8859-1)
- optional individual mail port for smtp e-mail sending (default is 25)
- just print what you want and get fantastic pdf results
Whats new since 4 release:
- updated and complete rewrite of the plugin
- support for 32 and 64 Bit 4D
- automatic printer switch (4D / 4D and System printer)
- full unicode support
- support for different char set on sending emails
- optional Plus commands for handling OutLook archives and Tobit David Fx
- set colored bookmarks
- note: 4D printerswitch method is no longer needed
- changed command: TobitProXL_PDFStart
- changed command: TobitProXL_MsgBody
- changed command: TobitProXL_SetPDFBookmarks
- changed command: TobitProXL_SetPDFBookmarks
- new demo databases
- new serial required
This upgrade is free for all purchases since april 2015
- 4D v11.9/v12.6/v13.6/v14.x/v15.x/v16.x/v17.x + 4D 64bit + 4D Server 64bit
- Windows only (WinXP/Vista/Win7/Win8.x/Win10/WinS2003/WinS2008/WinS2011/WinS2012/WinS2016)
- Sorry no MacOS
Support for this product is only available from Node.