Plugin Masters is the worldwide publisher of 4D professional tools


AreaList Pro v11.4

Available language(s)

With thousands of users around the world AreaList Pro is the #1 best seller professional tool for 4D, used by top professional developers and publishers.

Its 350 commands and over 540 properties provide tremendous possibilities, far beyond native 4D and ListBoxes, to display fields or arrays and interact with the user, with full control over data entry and display.

AreaList Pro is rock solid, feature requests are implemented in weeks and bugs if any usually last a few days.

Published by Plugin Masters.

AreaList Pro v11.4

Partner License (one year) - Includes all 4 plugins + ALP Print option
1 - 2
450.00 €

Single User
Single user (development & deployment)
200.00 €
Single user Print option
80.00 €

Server license (per server) - 2 to 10 users
2 - 10
230.00 €
Server Print option - 2 to 10 users
2 - 10
100.00 €
Server license (per server) - 11 to 20 users
11 - 20
360.00 €
Server Print option - 11 to 20 users
11 - 20
160.00 €
Server license (per server) - over 20 users
> 20
490.00 €
Server Print option - over 20 users
> 20
220.00 €
Server upsize
130.00 €
Server upsize Print option
60.00 €

Upgrade from version 10 (single user or server)
180.00 €
Upgrade Print option from PrintList Pro v6
60.00 €
Upgrade from version 9 (single user or server)
200.00 €
Upgrade Print option from PrintList Pro v5
70.00 €

Unlimited (annual)
Unlimited single-user license (one year)
1,450.00 €
Unlimited single user Print option
650.00 €

AreaList Pro provides all the features you need to create sophisticated and user interface rich list controls with 4D v18 and over.

AreaList Pro version 11 offers fantastic new functionalities for 4D v18 and above.

It fully supports v8-v10 API: your existing code should not require any changes.

AreaList Pro v11 print features require a specific license option: select "Print option" to activate the PrintList Pro module and standalone printing.

This option is not needed, however, to print an AreaList Pro area using SuperReport Pro.

AreaList Pro version 11 is compatible with 4D v18 and over for MacOS (Intel and Silicon, signed and notarized) and Windows (64-bit mode).


AreaList Pro requires a registration key to unlock the product making it a full working version.
Without the registration key, the plugin will operate in demonstration mode during 20 minutes.

Registering your License
There are four ways to register your license:
- using the Demo mode dialog “Register” button,
- though a text file,
- in your 4D code with a command,
- through the online registration system.

Yearly licenses such as Unlimited single user, OEM and Partner do not require any serial information or online registration. The only way to register these licenses is through the registration command.

Like all Plugin Masters plug-ins, AreaList Pro offers several license types. There are no such things as MacOS vs Windows or Development vs Deployment
Note: if you are using several concurrent versions of 4D you will need one plugin license for each version.
A new license will be supplied for free at any time (maximum once a year) if you change your 4D version or get a new 4D registration key for the same version, provided that your previous license matches the current public version at exchange time. This rule applies whether you are already using the new version or not: just specify that you also want a key for the older version as well as the current one when you order an upgrade. It also applies to merged licenses (see below), but you’ll only need to replace your license if your hardware configuration is modified or in case of a major version upgrade.


- Regular licenses are used for applications that are opened with 4D Standalone or 4D Server, either in interpreted or compiled mode (doesn’t make a difference regarding plugin licensing). These licenses are linked to the 4D or 4D Server license.

- Merged licenses are used for double-clickable applications built with 4D Volume Desktop (single user) or with 4D Server by means of the 4D Compiler module. These licenses are linked to the machine ID (single user workstation or server). This mode also applies to structures run with 4D Runtime (unregistered 4D).

License types

Single user
This license allows development (interpreted mode) or deployment (interpreted or compiled mode, including merged) of applications that are opened with 4D Standalone or built with 4D Volume Desktop.

These licenses allow development (interpreted mode) or deployment (interpreted or compiled mode, including merged servers / remotes) on 4D Server with up to 10 users (“small server”), 11 to 20 users (“medium server”) or more (“large server”).

Unlimited Single user
This license allows development (interpreted mode) or deployment (interpreted or compiled mode, including merged) on any number of 4D Standalone (or single user merged applications built with 4D Volume Desktop) that run your 4D application(s).
It is a yearly license, which expires after the date when it is to be renewed. Expiration only affects interpreted mode. Applications that were compiled while the license was valid won't expire after expiration date.
A single license key will unlock all setups on all compatible 4D versions and all versions of the plugin. 
The license key is linked to the developer/company name.
This license allows deployment (selling new application licenses, updates or subscriptions) while the license is valid. No new deployment may occur after expiry without a specific license (merged or regular). 
End-users running deployments sold during the license validity period remain authorized without time limit, provided that they are no longer charged for the application using the plug-in (including maintenance or upgrades).

This license allows development (interpreted mode) or deployment (interpreted or compiled mode, including merged) on any number of 4D Servers (any number of users), 4D Standalone or single user/remote merged instances that run your 4D application(s).
It is a yearly license, under the exact same terms as the Unlimited Single User license described above, except that it also covers server deployments.

Unlimited OEM
This license is a global OEM license, covering any combination of AreaList Pro with Print option, SuperReport ProCalendarSet and Internet Toolkit in all configurations.

This license matches 4D's annual Partner subscription and covers AreaList Pro with Print option, SuperReport ProCalendarSet and Internet Toolkit.
For each product, a single registration key allows development (interpreted mode) or deployment (interpreted or compiled mode, except merged) on all 4D Standalones and 4D Servers (2 users) regardless of 4D product numbers, OS and versions. No merged applications.
This is a yearly license, which expires on February 1st (same date as 4D Partner licenses).
Expiration only affects interpreted mode. Applications that were compiled while the license was valid won't expire after expiration date.
Note: you don’t have to be a 4D Partner subscriber to subscribe to the Partner license.

Second plugin license set for 4D next version - 50% discount
Many developers keep on using their current environment while migrating towards the next version of 4D and perhaps waiting for a future subversion.
Regular plug-in licenses (single user & server) are linked to the 4D serial number, therefore you will need an additional license set for your new 4D version single user and/or server(s).
50% discount is available on this second set of licenses, provided that you already have a license for a previous version of 4D, for each new 4D version license to purchase.
Enter the code "EXTRA" under the "Promotion code" field when ordering from our website.

This promotion is not available for upgrades or OEM/Unlimited/Partner licenses.
